Workplace Injury Lawyers: Advocates for Injured Employees

Workplace Injury Lawyers: Advocates for Injured Employees

1. Understanding Workplace Injury

Every workplace is a potential location for an employee to suffer an injury. An injury that happens to an employee, while performing their job for an employer, is a ‘workplace injury’.

2. Workplace Safety and Workers Compensation

  • Workplace Safety: In Ontario, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act provides a framework for employers to ensure a safe environment for employees. In addition, the legislation identifies the industries that must carry insurance coverage for injuries sustained by employees, while at work. These industries are required to register with Workers Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB). There are a few industries, named in the legislation, that do not have to have insurance coverage for their employees. These include: barbershops, travel agencies and banks. If an employer is not compelled to provide WSIB insurance, the employer may still carry independent insurance to cover workplace injuries.
  • Workers Compensation: ‘Workers Compensation’ is a benefit system paid for injuries related to work an employee was doing. Benefits are paid by WSIB directly to the employee. Compensation for work-related injuries, provided by WSIB, is designed to avoid litigation.
  • Additional Injury Benefits: Employees may have access to additional benefits, including: sick leave and disability benefits. An injured employee may also qualify for: Employment Insurance, Ontario Disability Insurance, Ontario Works or Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefits. 
  • Workplace Injuries Lawsuit:  In the event a workplace injury is sustained, at a job for an employer who does not have insurance, an employee may pursue financial compensation by a civil lawsuit.

3. How Workplace Injury Lawyers Can Help 

A workplace injury may require professional legal advice. If this is what you are considering, you must act quickly; there are time limits for when you can go to court. This means, you cannot wait years to hire a lawyer. You should seek legal advice as soon as you can.

Workplace injury lawyers offer:

  • Legal Advice: explaining your rights and options following a workplace accident;
  • Investigative: collecting evidence for a strong case;
  • Negation: negotiating with insurers or to get you fair compensation;
  • Litigation: representing you at court, if necessary; and
  • Appeals: appealing a court decision, if required.

4. Find the right workplace injury lawyer

Consider the following when seeking legal help:

  • Do some research – Find reputable lawyers who specialize in workplace injuries.
  • Consultations – Schedule consultations with a lawyer to discuss your case and assess their expertise.
  • Experience – Choose a lawyer with experience in workplace injury claims.
  • Communication – Make sure your lawyer keeps you updated.

Workplace injury lawyers are there to help injured workers receive the compensation they deserve.

Workplace Injury Lawyers

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